Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Skipanon river morning
extended plein air oil on isolated wood panel
11" x 14"

David & I have been camping on the North coast for most of this past month, he doing a little fishing, I painting for every single  minute I could get away....  I spent a few memorable mornings on the Skipanon river in Hammond, Oregon.  I enjoyed the constant movement of the water, as the ocean tide pushes in.  The water is rough sparkle in the breeze.
I met a very nice family while painting here, who've lived and worked in Hammond for over forty years.  Their family business, the Skipanonbrand fish co. sells their fresh caught & smoked fish at local farmer's markets, and on the internet as well.  The boat in my painting is theirs, operated by son Paul; the building is their old cannery space, now replaced by an updated building a few feet from the river's edge.
Visit their website

1 comment:

helen said...

Gorgeous colors and a gorgeous place!