Yellowtail moon
20" x 36"
oil on aluminum

I enjoyed painting this beautiful fish from a photo sent me by Dave's brother Doug. The sea is painted with a glaze of transparent pthalo blue mixed with hansa yellows and galkyd. Of course I had to draw in my spirals, thinking of waves, currents, the never ending ocean. I was also hoping for the unending life of these magnificent tuna. I really scratched the spirals in, so they shine silver in light.
The sky is painted opaque adding white to warm red. The downward lines speak of the unrelenting rain, here for 27 days in a row and no end in sight. My moon is red orange. The painting asked for this color, being the only one that hadn't been used yet. It seems a warm echo of the yellow orange eye.
I love how fish seem to fly through the water.