It was overcast most of the morning, so I took the time to draw in the backround, the beautiful forest of Spencer and Janice's front yard. When the sun burned through late in the morning I worked again on the yellow of the hood and body.
Spencer and Janice get the car out of the garage at 6:30 each morning, and I try to get there shortly after. I paint the chrome and shadow side and continue to correct the drawing until 10:45 when the sun is finally up over the treetops and lights up the back for me. I love the lemony yellow. By noon it is too hot for me, we've been having a heat wave.
ah, the fun part...I start to lay in color. Poor Spence is worried I'm painting his car green, because only the shadow side is blocked in.
finished rough drawing I've been working on a large painting of my friends Spencer and Janice's 1958 corvette.
It has been a difficult month, with losing Joan, and everyone needing to come together to begin to let her go. It has been so good for me to have an assignment. I've really enjoyed getting up early each morning to go work.