Monday, November 27, 2006

lobster wave moon 2
22" x 28" oil on aluminum
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Kim Tyler said...

These latest are very exciting. I'm struck by how irridescent the shells look (using irridescent paint ? I doubt it), and by the vibrant red/green color schemes with the lobsters. I also like all the scratching through in the big green spirals. Gorgeous!
Daniella leaves Monday (4th) for Whidbey, and I'm planning to go up after Christmas. Maybe we'll stop on our way down in Jan if it isn't snowing!!

Linstilllife said...

Oh Yay! I hope so! I'm hoping to run away and see you all after xmas, but it's a small window, and don't I don't know if I can make it...
The shells are not iridescent paint, but I am trying to use bright pure colors to suit the tropical area they will hang in.