Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Shane's truck, with blackbirds
40" x 60" oil on aluminum
We've had an eventful week. A wonderful visit with Shane started the week, begining my long recovery from the Rose Festival show. I also began this big painting for Heather. Shane's truck is a 52 Dodge, Job Rated, a wonderful beauty, champagne colored. She got a lot of attention in front of my house.
The end of the week has been difficult. We lost Dave's mother Joan after a terrible long illness. We are both so sad, and she will be missed, but still I couldn't help but feel glad that she has been released.
Shane calls this truck Zephyr. A zephyr is a (gentle) breeze from the west.
As I worked I thought of Joanie's fierce spirit, joining the spirit of her beloved sisters,
flying like the zephyr.

1 comment:

Kim Tyler said...

Dear Lin,
Please give our sympathy to Dave, and of course to you. I feel so sad for you both, and know that you've had so many heavy losses to deal with this summer already. My heart goes out to you, so much....The painting of Zephyr is fabulous - what a beauty she is! You did her proud. And the new baby dog is amazingly small and precious! Can't wait to meet her. I'll call you in the next few days!