Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I have a new challenge I'm very excited about. My excellent patrons McCormick and Schmick have commissioned sixteen more paintings for their new Minnesota restaurant. These paintings will hang in pairs, above high back booths. As I understand it, eight will be visible as you enter the room, and as you turn to go out the other eight will be seen. We've decided on a theme of opposites, so that there will be a very different visual statement depending on which way you are facing in the room, so what is needed is eight pairs of companion opposites. each pair will be a different subject... a fish booth, a crab booth, a vegetable booth etc...
Here is my first pair.

seven egg salmon

16" x 28" oil on aluminum

thirteen stars salmon

16" x 28" oil on aluminum

This set of companion opposites is for the salmon booth. My idea is that when you face one way you will see a spring morning, and when you face the other way, there will be a starry starry night.

wish me luck, friends :)

1 comment:

Kim Tyler said...

Wow, good luck dear friend. You're off to a great start. This should be a fun idea, with its own built-in inspiration. I'm so glad you have patrons who give you some artistic leeway!