everlasting in progress
24" x 24" oil on aluminum
ok dears I can tell by the quiet you're not sure (or you're sure you don't like it,) but don't fret, we don't have to go to judge judy or anything:)
I really am loving it, but don't mind toning it down a bit if it's shouting too loud for you, and honestly, I don't mind returning your payment either, if you can't like the border at all, really, I don't mind a bit. I just feel bad for taking so long, and would like to get it sent off to you.
I'm painting crabs today, and hoping to get them posted later this afternoon so I can move on to vegetables. I found a wonderful sunburst squash that I'm looking forward to painting.
darlink, just saw this for the first time. I haven't been on the blogosphere (?) for a couple of days. I love what you have done to the painting! It is radiant and lovely. No way do I want you to give up on us. I don't think Dotty S. has been looking at blogs either. I'll tell her to take a look. But as for me, I'm loving it! Thrilled. Last payment should be coming in a week or so....Love you!
"Space Pear"
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