Tuesday, March 28, 2006

companion opposites #3
fruit booth
kiwi moon with butterflies
16" x 28" oil on aluminum
These are Karner blue butterflies, an endangered species indigineous to Minnesota.

watermelon moon

16" x 28" oil on aluminum

this watermelon was so fun to paint, and I kept thinking I could smell the pineapple. Of course I really could smell the pineapple, it was sitting 3 feet in front of me, but I kept thinking it was the painting I could smell...:)

1 comment:

Kim Tyler said...

I'm drooling while looking at these. The food looks so delicious, as well as magically transformed into night landscapes or abstractions. I especially love the vase of daffodils you have painted twice, so elegantly. And the oysters are rendered just wonderfully. Oh I so admire everything you turn out!