Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006

Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rainy day dream
18" x 24"
oil on aluminum
Here is a new windowsill meditation. The rain here has been relentless, unending. nearly 11" in Jan. 26" since October!
I needed to paint a jury piece for my Rose Festival application. I'd seen this style of window that morning in a magazine at my Doctor's office. I knew I wanted my Mt. Hood to be my view, and found a photo of the roses when I was looking through my mountain pictures. The pear I found at Fred Meyer, isn't she a beauty? I was thinking about being here in Portland, between the ocean and the mountain, so I found an old favorite shell to speak of the sea. After I got this far, I found myself wanting some red, so I added the cherry. I thought about it a few more days before realizing I wanted the blackbird. I'm thinking of the anticipation of flight, appreciation for the incredible sweetness of my life, I can close my eyes and hear the steady drumming of the rain, (painted in as the wallpaper of my room.) It's nice to imagine roses and mountains in my future.

24" x 36" oil on galvanized steel
These walleye were so much fun to paint. I thought of them each going their own way, unaware of the passage of time. I left the moons behind each fish's head silver. I was thinking about the passage of time when I put in the phases of the moon. I enjoyed a color meditation as I worked with them. They travel all around the color wheel, with their light and shadow showing complimentary colors. It was interesting to work with the color values until they looked balanced. The backround was originally violet, but after living with it a week or so, I glazed it with hansa yellow medium, then drew my spirals in to reveal the violet underneath. This painting makes me want to jump!

crab apple moon with oysters
24" x 32" oil on aluminum
Heather wanted something with oysters, and I had this beautiful dungeness crab to paint so I combined them... The moon is an apple sliced horizontally.The greenish color on the oyster shells and the apple influenced the apple green backround. My friend Spencer thinks the line work looks like a net.